跌倒在不断增加的全球老龄化人口中非常普遍,可能会对他们的健康,福祉和生活质量产生各种负面影响,包括限制他们进行日常生活活动(ADL)的能力,这对于这对于对此至关重要,这对一个人的寄托。跌倒期间的及时协助是非常必要的,这涉及跟踪老年人在与ADL相关的多样化导航模式中的室内位置,以检测跌倒的精确位置。随着全球护理人员人数的减少,重要的是,智能生活环境的未来可以在ADL期间发现下降,同时能够跟踪老年人在现实世界中的室内位置。为了应对这些挑战,这项工作为环境辅助生活系统提出了一种具有成本效益和简单的设计范式,该系统可以在ADL期间捕获用户行为的多模式组成部分,这是在现实世界中同时以现实世界的方式执行秋季检测和室内定位所必需的。 。提出了来自现实世界实验的概念证明,以维护系统的有效工作。还提出了两项​​与先前作品的比较研究的发现,以维护这项工作的新颖性。第一个比较研究表明,在其软件设计和硬件设计的有效性方面,提出的系统在室内定位和跌倒检测领域中如何优于先前的验证领域。第二项比较研究表明,与这些领域的先前作品相比,该系统的开发成本最少,这些领域涉及下划线系统的现实开发,从而维护其具有成本效益的性质。
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The lack of any sender authentication mechanism in place makes CAN (Controller Area Network) vulnerable to security threats. For instance, an attacker can impersonate an ECU (Electronic Control Unit) on the bus and send spoofed messages unobtrusively with the identifier of the impersonated ECU. To address the insecure nature of the system, this thesis demonstrates a sender authentication technique that uses power consumption measurements of the electronic control units (ECUs) and a classification model to determine the transmitting states of the ECUs. The method's evaluation in real-world settings shows that the technique applies in a broad range of operating conditions and achieves good accuracy. A key challenge of machine learning-based security controls is the potential of false positives. A false-positive alert may induce panic in operators, lead to incorrect reactions, and in the long run cause alarm fatigue. For reliable decision-making in such a circumstance, knowing the cause for unusual model behavior is essential. But, the black-box nature of these models makes them uninterpretable. Therefore, another contribution of this thesis explores explanation techniques for inputs of type image and time series that (1) assign weights to individual inputs based on their sensitivity toward the target class, (2) and quantify the variations in the explanation by reconstructing the sensitive regions of the inputs using a generative model. In summary, this thesis (https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/handle/10012/18134) presents methods for addressing the security and interpretability in automotive systems, which can also be applied in other settings where safe, transparent, and reliable decision-making is crucial.
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Warning: this paper contains content that may be offensive or upsetting. In the current context where online platforms have been effectively weaponized in a variety of geo-political events and social issues, Internet memes make fair content moderation at scale even more difficult. Existing work on meme classification and tracking has focused on black-box methods that do not explicitly consider the semantics of the memes or the context of their creation. In this paper, we pursue a modular and explainable architecture for Internet meme understanding. We design and implement multimodal classification methods that perform example- and prototype-based reasoning over training cases, while leveraging both textual and visual SOTA models to represent the individual cases. We study the relevance of our modular and explainable models in detecting harmful memes on two existing tasks: Hate Speech Detection and Misogyny Classification. We compare the performance between example- and prototype-based methods, and between text, vision, and multimodal models, across different categories of harmfulness (e.g., stereotype and objectification). We devise a user-friendly interface that facilitates the comparative analysis of examples retrieved by all of our models for any given meme, informing the community about the strengths and limitations of these explainable methods.
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Search and rescue, wildfire monitoring, and flood/hurricane impact assessment are mission-critical services for recent IoT networks. Communication synchronization, dependability, and minimal communication jitter are major simulation and system issues for the time-based physics-based ROS simulator, event-based network-based wireless simulator, and complex dynamics of mobile and heterogeneous IoT devices deployed in actual environments. Simulating a heterogeneous multi-robot system before deployment is difficult due to synchronizing physics (robotics) and network simulators. Due to its master-based architecture, most TCP/IP-based synchronization middlewares use ROS1. A real-time ROS2 architecture with masterless packet discovery synchronizes robotics and wireless network simulations. A velocity-aware Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) technique for ground and aerial robots using Data Distribution Service (DDS) publish-subscribe transport minimizes packet loss, synchronization, transmission, and communication jitters. Gazebo and NS-3 simulate and test. Simulator-agnostic middleware. LOS/NLOS and TCP/UDP protocols tested our ROS2-based synchronization middleware for packet loss probability and average latency. A thorough ablation research replaced NS-3 with EMANE, a real-time wireless network simulator, and masterless ROS2 with master-based ROS1. Finally, we tested network synchronization and jitter using one aerial drone (Duckiedrone) and two ground vehicles (TurtleBot3 Burger) on different terrains in masterless (ROS2) and master-enabled (ROS1) clusters. Our middleware shows that a large-scale IoT infrastructure with a diverse set of stationary and robotic devices can achieve low-latency communications (12% and 11% reduction in simulation and real) while meeting mission-critical application reliability (10% and 15% packet loss reduction) and high-fidelity requirements.
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Observational studies have recently received significant attention from the machine learning community due to the increasingly available non-experimental observational data and the limitations of the experimental studies, such as considerable cost, impracticality, small and less representative sample sizes, etc. In observational studies, de-confounding is a fundamental problem of individualised treatment effects (ITE) estimation. This paper proposes disentangled representations with adversarial training to selectively balance the confounders in the binary treatment setting for the ITE estimation. The adversarial training of treatment policy selectively encourages treatment-agnostic balanced representations for the confounders and helps to estimate the ITE in the observational studies via counterfactual inference. Empirical results on synthetic and real-world datasets, with varying degrees of confounding, prove that our proposed approach improves the state-of-the-art methods in achieving lower error in the ITE estimation.
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批次归一化被广泛用于深度学习以使中间激活归一化。深层网络臭名昭著地增加了训练的复杂性,要​​求仔细的体重初始化,需要较低的学习率等。这些问题已通过批归一化解决(\ textbf {bn})来解决,通过将激活的输入归功于零平均值和单位标准偏差。使培训过程的批归归量化部分显着加速了非常深网络的训练过程。一个新的研究领域正在进行研究\ textbf {bn}成功背后的确切理论解释。这些理论见解中的大多数试图通过将其对优化,体重量表不变性和正则化的影响来解释\ textbf {bn}的好处。尽管\ textbf {bn}在加速概括方面取得了不可否认的成功,但分析的差距将\ textbf {bn}与正则化参数的效果相关联。本文旨在通过\ textbf {bn}对正则化参数的数据依赖性自动调整,并具有分析证明。我们已将\ textbf {bn}提出为对非 - \ textbf {bn}权重的约束优化,通过该优化,我们通过它演示其数据统计信息依赖于正则化参数的自动调整。我们还为其在嘈杂的输入方案下的行为提供了分析证明,该方案揭示了正则化参数的信号与噪声调整。我们还通过MNIST数据集实验的经验结果证实了我们的主张。
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离线手写数学表达识别(HMER)是数学表达识别领域的主要领域。与在线HMER相比,由于缺乏时间信息和写作风格的可变性,离线HMER通常被认为是一个更困难的问题。在本文中,我们目的是使用配对对手学习的编码器模型。语义不变的特征是从手写数学表达图像及其编码器中的印刷数学表达式中提取的。学习语义不变的特征与Densenet编码器和变压器解码器相结合,帮助我们提高了先前研究的表达率。在Crohme数据集上进行了评估,我们已经能够将最新的Crohme 2019测试集结果提高4%。
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在此演示论文中,我们设计和原型Rhythmedge是一种低成本,基于深度学习的无接触系统,用于常规的HR监控应用。通过促进无接触性质,实时/离线操作,廉价和可用的传感组件以及计算设备,节奏对现有方法的好处。我们的Rhythmedge系统是可移植的,可以轻松部署,以在中等控制的室内或室外环境中可靠的人力资源估计。 Rhythmedge通过检测面部视频(远程光摄影学; RPPG)的血量变化来测量人力资源,并使用现成的市售资源可限制的边缘平台和摄像机进行即时评估。我们通过将Rhythmedge的可伸缩性,灵活性和兼容性部署到不同的体系结构的三个资源约束平台上(Nvidia Jetson Nano,Google Coral Development Board,Raspberry Pi)和三个异质摄像机,可与不同的体系结构进行部署,并证明了Rhythmedge的可伸缩性和兼容性。摄像头,动作摄像头和DSLR)。 Rhythmedge进一步存储纵向心血管信息,并为用户提供即时通知。我们通过分析其运行时,内存和功率使用情况来彻底测试三个边缘计算平台的原型稳定性,延迟和可行性。
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